
Can Yeah! Become the Ultimate Streaming Service for Movie Geeks?

It’s crazy to think that kids born in 2013 will never know of a time when they couldn’t just click a button and stream their favorite movie directly to their television, iPad, or laptop, but it’s true. Streaming media is threatening to eliminate the physical copies old-timers like me grew up with. Netflix has over 4 times as many streaming subscribers (33 million) to those who get physical discs (just over 8 million). Clearly, streaming is the future. So, what better time for a new company to join the fray? Enter Yeah!, a new streaming service with a twist that’s sure to appeal to movie geeks. The fledgling service will not only offer a selection of your favorite classic movies (at a price of $4.99 for a 48-hour rental), but it will offer them with a...
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Mike Bracken 19 Mar, 2013
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