In the world of comedic actors, Jim Carrey and Steve Carell are magical. The 51-year-old Carrey has a lot in common with 50-year-old Carell. Beyond the fact that their names both start with "car," and I constantly forget how to spell their last names, they also have had great success in TV, comedic films and dramatic movies. They both starred in an Almighty film, and now that they both appear in The Incredible Burt Wonderstone, it's the perfect time for a Film Face-off. The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Characters Carrell Carell is the arrogant Burt Wonderstone, half of a magic act with Anton Marvelton (Steve Buscemi) at Bally's in Las Vegas. He feels like he owns the town until...
Read More Jeff Bayer 19 Mar, 2013
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