Beauty and the Beast: Following the success of their live action Alice in Wonderland and now their Oz prequel (and because two other productions beat them to Snow White), Disney has picked its next fantasy property to rework: Beauty and the Beast. The studio, which also has a live action Cinderella in the works, has hired Joe Ahearne, one of the writers behind Danny Boyle's upcoming Trance, to script the movie, which is titled The Beast and will (obviously) be in 3D. Title-wise, it makes a nice counterpoint to the Guillermo Del Toro-planned version, called Beauty. Anyone else think Johnny Depp would make a great French candelabra? Anyone? [Deadline] Oz the Second and Still Prequel: Speaking of Oz the Great and Powerful, the franchise is still no friend of Dorothy. Producer...
Read More Christopher Campbell 13 Mar, 2013
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