'The Walking Dead' season 3 brings to life its thirteenth episode of the season "Arrow on the Doorpost," as Rick and the Governor attempt to negotiate a peace treaty between Woodbury and the prison, while Glenn does his best to keep Merle from plotting an assasination.
Last week's 'The Walking Dead' episode "Clear" saw Rick, Michonne and Carl return to the Grimes' hometown in search of weapons and supplies, only to find Rick's old friend Morgan, who seemed to have been driven mad over time, so what will the latest episode bring?
Read on for your in-depth recap of everything you need to know about 'The Walking Dead' season 3 episode 13, "Arrow on the Doorpost!"
Kevin Fitzpatrick 11 Mar, 2013
Source: http://screencrush.com/the-walking-dead-review-arrow-on-the-doorpost/
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