
Your first week as an SFI Affiliate

Hi Muhmmad,

We hope you enjoyed your first week as an SFI affiliate!

By now you should have received several issues of LaunchPad. Hopefully you've also had some communication with your sponsor khusnul ibad mudzakkir (, and/or other upline team members.

If you're having any trouble getting started, we strongly recommend that you focus on this page...

...until you feel you fully understand these SFI basics.

Then when you're ready, just click the black button in the top right corner to go work on your TO-DO LIST at the SFI Affiliate Center.

By the way, we greatly value input about how we can make SFI better. We're especially interested in suggestions on improving SFI for the beginning affiliate like you.  If you have suggestions for us,  please use our Suggestion Box located at:

And remember, if there's anything we can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact one of our Affiliate Support Team members at:

Have a great day!

SFI Welcome Team

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