
Awesome Sponsor Tips (June 2013 Issue)

Greetings, SFI Sponsors and future Sponsors!

Welcome to our monthly newsletter focusing on how to be an awesome SFI sponsor and create income duplication for yourself and your growing team. Each month, we'll cover a couple of sponsoring tips for you to review and put into practice.

About Sponsoring Affiliates in SFI:

Scoring VersaPoints and generating sales at are a great way to earn money with SFI, but if you want to a create a MAJOR monthly income stream, you must employ effective sponsoring and duplication strategies. You must learn how to lead and grow a team of active SFI affiliates, so that you may tap into the ultimate jewel in SFI's compensation plan--VersaPoints Matching.

VersaPoints Matching means that every month you can get matching shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool on every affiliate under you within up to 12 generations downline (and on every one of your Co-Sponsored Affiliates, too). In other words, for every VP they earn, YOU can earn matching VP!

Many SFI affiliates earn THOUSANDS of matching shares EACH MONTH on the activities of HUNDREDS of affiliates! YOU can join them by following the guidelines provided in this newsletter.



DO #1:

Think big and act boldly. As our SFI slogan says, aim high and dream big! Small desire produces small results, just as a small fire produces little heat.

Some cool quotes on this concept:

"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid." -Latin Proverb

"When you think big, your results are big." -Thomas J. Vilord

"The person who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore." -Dale Carnegie

"Seize this very minute! Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." -John Aster


DO #2:
Regularly check My Movers and/or your Genealogy for team members who are online at the SFI Affiliate Center. Start up conversations with them. Learn more about "SFIM" online chatting at:


DON'T major in minors. Don't let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the positives...and the "big picture." Also remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes (especially in today's rapidly evolving world). Don't let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adapt as needed.



For the complete "Be An Awesome Sponsor" list of DOs and DON'Ts, go to:


8251 Northwoods Drive, Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68505 USA
Ph 402-434-8480, Fax 402-434-8483

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