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Gubernur Ali Mazi izinkan TKA asal Cina masuk Konawe
Para tenaga kerja asing (TKA) asal Cina itu, kata Gubernur, bakal bekerja membangun smelter di PT VDNI Morosi, Kabupa...
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Kasus Covid-19 bertambah 1.031, pulih 540 dan meninggal 45
Kasus Covid-19 per Rabu (17/6/2020): Total positif 41.431 orang; 16.243 orang pulih, dan 2.276 orang meninggal dunia.
The Jakarta Post shared The Jakarta Post shared
The Jakarta Post
Imposing VAT on digital economy is never easy
At least, there are two challenges for the enactment of this regulation. First, how do we get PPMSEs abroad to comply...
The Jakarta Post shared The Jakarta Post shared
The Jakarta Post
Why it could be dangerous to exercise with a face mask on
Exercise invariably leads to faster and harder breaths, so wearing a mask during exercise places a further strain on ...
The Jakarta Post shared The Jakarta Post shared
The Jakarta Post
Czech sculptor creates 3D-printed floating house
A Czech sculptor has teamed up with a group of architects to create a 3D-printed house prototype that could become a ...
The Jakarta Post shared The Jakarta Post shared
The Jakarta Post
Music helps pull Alicia Keys 'out of a rut'
No longer bound by a yearning to please everyone, Alicia Keys has never been more comfortable in her own skin.
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