

**** Here Are Your Options To Get Your Best PSA's:

1. Use the Beginner Methods, Intermediate Methods and Advanced Methods Of Affiliate Sponsoring, As Outlined At The Marketing TAB at SFIMG:

2. While Learning To Recruit On Your Own, Consider Buying PSA's So You Can Build Your Group Quicker. Where and Which One To Pick? You Must SHOP & COMPARE - to find what is your best option.
A. S-Builder Coop: SFI owned which has been around since SFI started.
B. Bidding on PSA and CSA Packages at the Auctions Is Another Option For You.
C. Look at ALL The SFI Approved ECA Sellers. (ALL of Us Sellers have to be GTL or PTL which means that we have vested interest in building the whole Company SFI organization). 

3. If you have NOT done much Internet Recruiting/Marketing over a decade, with massive focus in researching and trying ALL the Advertising Company Sources of Signups, please refrain from accusing any of the ECA Sellers of being Scammers. You can NOT go wrong with the experienced sellers of Signups, if you wish to add to, OR replace your personal affiliate sponsoring.

4. "Quality" of Signups is highly subjective. Plus consider the fact that NEW signups may decide to get active in SFI only after many months of delayed starts.

**** So, it may take a few months for you to have a realistic evaluation of a particular Source of Signups.

**** After extensive study and trial for 9 solid months of ALL Sources of Signups in the Whole Wide Internet World, I consider myself fortunate to land an Agreement - EXCLUSIVE FOR SFI -Of Premium Quality Signups with the largest Advertising Company in the world that focuses on Home Based Business Entrepreneurs.

**** TIME TO ENTER THE 2014 SFI CHALLENGE CONTEST: To Help You Win Awesome Prizes, Get Our Premium Quality PSA NOW!
A. To Get Discounted Prices For Our EXCLUSIVE Premium Quality Signups, visit our Team Training Website.
B. If you want to get VP with your purchase, Go To Our Team ECA Store:

Bing -- PTL

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